Impact Statement

For the past 34 years CSF has been providing financial assistance to the financially deserving  Croatian university students in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Without this assistance, many of these bright young men and women would not be able to obtain university education. This is made possible because individuals, families, and organizations have supported our mission by generous donations or have sponsored one or more students.

Welcome to the Croatian Scholarship Fund

The Croatian Scholarship Fund (CSF) is a non-political, charitable, non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization established in 1989 in Northern California. The primary purpose of this unique organization is to develop leaders for Croatia’s future by providing financial assistance to highly qualified students of Croatian origin, living in Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina, so that they may attend a university in Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Hrvatski fond za stipendije (CSF) je nepolitička, dobrotvorna, neprofitna 501 (c) (3) organizacija koja je osnovana 1989. godine u sjevernoj Kaliforniji. Primarna svrha ove jedinstvene organizacije je razviti lidere za budućnost Hrvatske pružanjem financijske pomoći visokokvalificiranim studentima hrvatskog podrijetla, koji žive u Hrvatskoj ili Bosni i Hercegovini, kako bi mogli pohađati sveučilište u Hrvatskoj ili Bosni i Hercegovini.

To find out more about sponsorship, and possibly sponsor a student, please click on the button below.

Sponsoring a student


CSF is grateful to individuals and organizations that sponsor and fully fund student scholarships. In addition to CSF scholarships fully funded by individuals and organizations, CSF administers two Endowment funds and a Memorial fund. Scholarships from two Endowment funds, the Dragica Krog Radoš and the Mike Grgich fund, can be awarded only to students enrolled in a specific field of study. The third fund, Tony Ujdur Memorial, is available to students in all fields of study. To learn more about these funds, please click on the link below.

Endowment Funds

Meet our Students

  • Marko Bobaš

    University: University of Zagreb

    Major: Economy

    Place of Birth:

    Sponsor: Tony Ujdur Memorial

  • Antonia Knezović

    University: University of Mostar

    Major: Psychology

    Place of Birth:

    Sponsor: Tony Ujdur Memorial

  • Tomo Raič

    University: University of Mostar

    Major: Medicine

    Place of Birth:

    Sponsor: Mr. & Mrs. Jure & Michelle Sola

  • Maja Svjantko

    University: University of Zagreb

    Major: Health Science-Radiology

    Place of Birth:

    Sponsor: Tony Ujdur Memorial

  • Lucija Andročec

    University: University of Zagreb

    Major: Information Technology

    Place of Birth: Zagreb

    Sponsor: Mr. Tomislav Kundić



New scholarships awarded for 2023

This year, 25 new scholarships have been awarded to students starting their university studies in the fall of 2023. After a rigorous selection process, these students were selected from a large number of applicants, all who were highly qualified!

The group includes students from all parts of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and will major in various disciplines at universities in Zagreb, Split, Osijek, Pula, Sarajevo and Mostar. These are some of the best and brightest Croatian high school graduates, and we wish them best of luck with their studies and hope that upon their graduation they will contribute to Croatian society and become leaders in their chosen fields.

Light Blue White Clean Grid Family Photo Collage

Secon Page

Our scholarship program would not be viable without the generous support of individual sponsors and Croatian organizations in the United States!

Sponsor a student


We are able to provide scholarships to Croatian students because of individuals who have committed to sponsor one or more students. If you are able, please consider sponsoring a student and change someone's life for better. To find out more about sponsoring please click here.......

Grgich Endowment Fund



Interns in Napa Valley, Ca  Wineries 2024


Five students finishing their Master Degree studies majoring in Viticulture and Enology at the Agricultural College of the University of Zagreb have been selected by CSF to participate in an internship program at wineries in Northern California.
Starting in mid-August, they will spend four months during the harvest season and early wine production at various wineries in Napa Valley, including the Grgich Estate winery.
The funding for the internship program comes from an Endowment Fund established by Mr. Grgich and administered by CSF. The goal of the Endowment Fund is to help Croatia become World class wine producer.
We wish Mirjana Balandžić, Nina Cecić Vidoš, Nikolina Koloper, Matea Mamić, and Andrijana Oreški, all the best in their future career and hope that the internship experience and the knowledge they have gained will enhance their professional work upon the return to Croatia.

Za dodatne informacije kontaktirajte Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet - Zavod za Vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo.

New Scholarships Awarded 2023-2024

We are please to announce that for the 2023-24 school year, CSF Board has awarded two Miljenko Grgich scholarships. The scholarship recipients are Derecinović  Loris and Ritosa  Antonio. This is a two-year scholarship.

Both students have completed their undergraduate studies at the University of Zagreb, College of Agriculture with excellent grades and are now enrolled in the first semester of Masters Degree program majoring in Viticulture and Enology.

Through this scholarship program Mr. Miljenko Grgich, a renowned Croatian winemaker, is fulfilling his dream of making Croatia a world-class wine producer. We at CSF and Mr. Grgich hope that these students, once established in their profession, will contribute their part in fulfilling this dream.

The endowment fund established in 2013 and administered by CSF provides funding for the internships and scholarships.

Za dodatne informacije kontaktirajte Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet - Zavod za Vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo.

Latest News and Information

Scholarships  for 2025-26

The scholarships for the 2024-25 school year have been awarded! The application form for the 2025-26 school year will be active from April 1, 2025 and will be open until May 15, 2025.

Prijavnica za 2025-26 školsku godinu će biti aktivna od 1. travnja 2025 i bit će otvorena do zaključenja natječaja 15. svibnja 2025.

Zainteresirani trebaju podnijeti prijavu s popratnom dokumentacijom upravi zaklade najkasnije do 15.svibnja 2025.  godine. Prijavnicu i informacije o potrebnim dokumentima možete pronaći na sljedećem linku:

We have published our Annual Report for the last year, you may read it by clicking here.......

We welcome any comments you may have! Comments can be emailed to

Miljenko Mike Grgich 1923-2023



Miljenko Grgich Passing

CSF is greatly saddened by Miljenko Grgich passing. He supported CSF from its inception in 1990, and this support will continue beyond his passing and in perpetuity.  In 2013 Mr. Grgich established an Endowment Fund with CSF for the purpose supporting Viticulture and Enology Program students at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. This is a Master level graduate program  Mr. Grgich attended and  learned the art of winemaking. He would later state that he received a world class education there and now wanted to help educate future leaders of winemakers in Croatia.

The Endowment Fund continues to flourish, to date it has awarded 44 scholarships and 31 internship opportunities.  Students selected for the internship program come to California during harvest time to learn firsthand winemaking practices at the prestigious wineries in Napa Valley, including Grgich Hills Estate Winery.

Mr. Grgich has received world recognition with many of his accomplishments, he also needs to be remembered for his generosity and humanitarian work. Establishing this endowment to help educate future winemakers in Croatia, especially those that are in financial need, is yet another example of his big heart and generosity.


In 2013, previous CSF President, Marijana Pavic, presented Mr. Grgich with a plaque acknowledging  his continuing support for CSF.

May you rest in peace our dear friend, we will miss you greatly.

Learn more about Miljenko: